The ITA Energy Medicine Certification Program is for practitioners seeking to deepen their clinical knowledge and practical experience in ITA.
The ITA Energy Medicine Certification Program is for ITA practitioners who wish to become specialised and recognised as having taken further study to deepen their knowledge and experience with ITA Energy Medicine.
This program includes one day of practical training (6 hours), online training (8 hours) and online case study discussions (8 hours).
The ITA Energy Medicine Certification Program is devoted to promoting practical, hands-on and hands-off experience in ITA Energy Medicine; and to providing in-depth theoretical and esoteric discussions on energy medicine and the relationship between the energy field, brain and the human body.
The program includes eight sessions online with Melaney where she will go through presented case studies and share her suggested treatment protocol. This is a brilliant opportunity for ITA practitioners to spend time with and learn directly from Melaney as the founder of ITA.
The lectures focus on principles, practice on the fundamentals and specialised ITA Energy Medicine techniques.
The program requires each candidate to gather and submit a required number of successful ITA Energy Medicine treatments as case studies and testimonials.
Upon the completion of the ITA Energy Medicine Certification Program you will have achieved the level of ‘Certified ITA Energy Medicine Practitioner’.

Course Details
Successful completion of ITA Tiers 1 and 2 & membership with the ITA Energy Medicine Association
Mode of delivery:
Theory: Interactive online classes - recordings available for student review
Practicum: In-person
1 x practicum day (10.00am - 5.00pm, with one hour lunch break)
8 x 1 hour online classes
8 x 1 hour case study discussions
25 individual ITA case studies need to be submitted within a year of course
1 x written assessment
1 x practical assessment
Online classes: Worldwide
Practicums: Australia, USA, Europe. Other locations according to demand.
Next start dates:
2024 course dates to be announced